Our interest on quality

The Board of Academic Awards provides detailed consideration and guidance relating to academic policy, examination criteria and academic awards.

Our interest on quality

Board of academic awards

The Board of Academic Awards provides detailed consideration and guidance relating to academic policy, examination criteria and academic awards.

Programmes, assessments and certification

Our mission is to meet the educational and professional development needs of students by offering quality academic programmes delivered locally at your home countries which ensure academic and career advancement of the students.

Affiliated or partner universities

University articulations for EdHat programmes ensure continuous academic progression towards graduation and further studies for students following IHD programmes of EdHat International. Our affiliations/ university articulations are unique and provided distinctive advantages to the students aspiring to complete their graduation.

Accredited centres (Global delivery partners)

EdHat with its quality process ensures that our accredited centres, delivering our qualifications to students are in adherence to EdHat’s requirement for quality and standards. Our accredited centres are locally recognised, have established operations with the required resources to deliver our qualifications at the highest of standards.